Sunday, November 23, 2008

My romance rules...yeah I don't follow them

I recently discussed this with a wonderful friend of mine (go katie!). Specifically, what are the rules to follow when dating someone? I hadn't taken the time to jot these down. You may not agree with some of them, and I have shamelessly (sp) stolen some from other spots, so bear with me.

1. The rule of three. Most people know this one. If the discussion of sexual partners comes up, and a member of the female persuasion says a number, mulitply by three. If a member of the male persuasion says a number divide by three. I like this rule. Males try to sound experienced, girls try to not sound "whorish".

2. The rule of seven. Never under any circumstances date someone more or less than seven years age difference. Honestly, you are either dating someone who you have to treat like a child, or someone who acts like your parent. Ugh.

3. The rule of seven part deux. For maturity reasonality (oohhh sounds like a technical term), add seven to a girls age, and subtract seven from a guys. For example, if you are say 26 and female and want to date a 19 year old male, they will "act" 12. Likewise if you are 30 and male and want to date a 23 year old female, they will "act" your age. Fun stuff (this is why you always see an older guy in relationships, I think).

4. The rule of "are you stupid?". Never, under any circumstances, date anyone under the age of 21 if you are over the age of 24. I'm sorry, I left highschool behind like 14 years ago. Why would I ever want to go back? Double Ugh.

5. The tolerance line rule. Ok, this is more like a we have been dating a while rule. But it still falls under this heading. There always comes a time during the relationship when you think to yourself "am I happy?" and is a pivotal turning point. If you tell yourself you are happy some of the time and unhappy part of it, you aren't happy. There is a specific line you cross called the tolerance line. You can be with someone and be happy part of the time, but if you ever can't tolerate someone it is time to move on. The moment you have to put up with someone, you are holding on to what you think will happen instead of reality.

There are more rules, but honestly, my fingers are tired and I need to potty (ok tmi, I know).

Until next time.


Katie said...

The rule of 10.

NEVER have more than 10 rules about dating.



Nice guys finish last...or something like that said...

ha ha-good plan! ;-)