Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ever feel like a yo-yo?

To begin with, I haven't really had a lot of time to post (and you'd be surprised by the feedback I'm getting of "hey, why haven't you posted again yet") and this is almost me just typing for the sake of typing, but I'm pretty sure I can come up with something to talk about.

I have come to the conclusion that my feelings are like a yo-yo. I just got done reading a post at startingoverat24's site (and I so tried to set up a link here-but since I'm missing out on the finer points of linking-I have failed miserably), and I came to the realization that I am by far the world's worst over-analyzer. I don't even think that's a term you can find in the dictionary (albeit it could be-I've only got to the g's as I'm reading through it ;-) ).

It could be what perpetually is the cause of the failure of every single one of the relationships that I strive to obtain. In So24's post, it's all about a debate between two guys and their relationship approaches (and I won't paraphrase here-just go read it). I am almost exactly a mixture of both Jack and Leo. I strive to be both at the same time. It's like a cloud has lifted from my eyes. I THINK TOO MUCH. Sometimes I wish I could shut my brain off!

So to make an extremely long post much shorter (and also because I am not the world's greatest writer), my failure is because instead of enjoying the moment (Jack), I think to myself either "where is this going" or "what am I doing wrong" or the perpetual "when the eff am I going to see her again" (Leo) instead of just enjoying what I have and finding other sources of entertainment. Oh and for you english teacher's out there (wink), I'm pretty sure I just typed a run-on sentence; so sue me!

That's it for now. I have way too many thoughts running through my mind, but in no way can I organize them enough right now for them to make any sense to anyone who might read this

Until next time

*oh and byccmm....the english teacher line was for you...I even went back and corrected some critical errors ;-)


Sassy Britches said...

STOP THINKING! I know that is easier said than done, but in the last month I've done just that, and it is a total weight lifted off my shoulders (there's another run-on for the English teacher).

I agree with you on the "perpetual" issue you say you are having and the need to enjoy the moment while also having other sources of entertainment..."You’re looking in all the wrong places. Think outside the damn box." Sound familiar? :)

Laurie Stark said...

It's totally a balance. A certain amount of thinking is most definitely a good thing...

But you can call me Miss... said...

The literary world thanks you!

And secondly, as I always tell F, of course all of your relationships before have failed. If they hadn't, you would still be in it.

It is like saying you always find something in the last place you look. BECAUSE YOU QUIT LOOKING!

Happiness is out there, but don't chase after it so ferociously, and it will probably sneak up on you :)

love love.

Nice guys finish last...or something like that said...

SB: well, I totally missed the mark...I thought I was a different number...:-)

YIFO: Can't find that balance....when one wants happiness and goes after the happiness that isn't available..well that leads to over-thinking...and missing out

BYCCMM: Not patient enough...being lonely is absolutely horrible..relationships are like driving somewhere you don't know without GPS or might be lucky to get there...or you might up getting lost..and being alone....

Nice guys finish last...or something like that said...

By the way SB, which box am I supposed to look outside of?

Sassy Britches said...

The box of needing a relationship to make you happy...there are plenty of "other sources of entertainment," as you said, to try out to enhance your life instead of possibly looking to someone else to supply it for you. And in case you toss that idea out the window...there is then the box of the type of people you look for to make you happy. Don't sell yourself short just to have someone; you're way more worth it than you gave yourself credit for in the past.

SonnyVsDan said...

hey matey. I struggled with what you are talking about for ages, my old blog (the one this account is linked to) was totally about the two sides I have when approaching any situation.

My way of dealing was to let them fight it out over the blog, but in real life just go with the flow. If you have thoughts from one POV over-analysing one way just smile internally and then carry on doing your thing, it'll work out eventually.

OK, maybe that doesn't really make any sense. Maybe just have a read of some of my past stuff, and see what you think....

SonnyVsDan said...

ok, maybe its not:

Sassy Britches said...

P.S. Just tagged you for a meme, if you're interested...